Narrative & Data VIz
Playful Parenting & the WOrkforce
Need: The integration of early childhood development (ECD) into the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2016, triggered a surge of attention on parenting programs worldwide, particularly in low and middle income countries (LMICs). With parenting models often tested in high income countries (HICs) and adapted for LMICs, the need to generate contextually relevant evidence is dire. Another major gap in the evidence base for parenting programs involves those standing on the frontlines of program delivery: the workforce. "A growing body of evidence links well-trained and supported early childhood personnel with the achievement of positive developmental outcomes for children." (Early Childhood Workforce Initiative) However, the evidence is still lacking. We need to better understand what factors go into scale for parenting programs in LMICs, and workforce is a significant component of this.
Concept: Organizations worldwide are developing evidence to fill the gaps in the parenting literature; donors are targeting funding towards filling those gaps; and advocacy continues to keep the pressure on. How do we best get people to engage with this expansion of evidence and continue to push the needle forward? An interactive, game-based platform offers possibilities to more meaningfully connect audiences with the research. This game walks users through the existing research gaps and directs them to ongoing evidence building initiatives, namely FHI 360's Playful Parenting implementation research.
Learning Goals
Players will evaluate the existing evidence gaps when it comes to global parenting programs
Players will connect the Playful Parenting implementation research led by FHI 360 with the existing evidence gaps in the sector
ECD Community (Researchers & Practitioners)
Learning Theories
Game Design Narrative for Learning
The game prototype below draws from principles of game design narrative for learning by leveraging narrative to...
a) increase motivation to engage with the content by arousing curiosity and creating intrigue
b) serve as a cognitive framework for content by creating a structure in which to assign meaning to the content